20 Years Loyal Service

20 Years Loyal Service

Posted by Matt OCallaghan on

20 Years Loyal Service

I really can't believe it's been that long! As of June 2015, I've officially been part of Team Hopper for 20 years....where has the time gone?! It doesn't seem that long ago that in 1995 I left William Lovell School in Stickney for the last time. Just like a lot of people leaving school I was a bit nervous about finding a job but as if by fate I got a job interview at Hoppers through college. This interview was meant to be more of a training exercise for me as part of my college work so I was quite relaxed about the whole thing. The day came and I arrived promptly at 10am on a Wednesday, a Market day, where I met a lovely lady called Georgina who I now call my 'Second Mum' she made sure that I felt at home before the dreaded moment...the interview! Making my way into the office I met Tim & Gerry Hopper and the questions flowed and again I was made to feel calm and relaxed so I managed not to stutter and got through it all in one piece! A week or so later I heard back from Gerry Hopper who surprisingly offered me a job to be part of the team, I couldn't believe it! The training exercise turned into a career opportunity. Everybody was so good to me, the shop had such a strong family atmosphere that I could see myself working there so I jumped at the chance. In true Gerry Hopper style, I received a letter a day before I started saying he was looking forward to welcoming me and would be personally showing me 'the ropes' a very kind letter which has stuck with me to this day. In 1996 the shop paid for me to take The Jet 1 Professional Jewellers’ Diploma. This was a year long coursework with an exam at the end of it. This was an essential qualification for anyone involved in gem and jewellery sales and in 1999 I completed the final stage of it with Jet 2. The Hopper family throughout were very supportive and even took me to London to do my final exam all these things you never forget. Thanks to Hoppers I got my P.J Dip qualification and over the years trained me in soldering and engraving working up to manager.

Top left shows me with my very 90's haircut taken June 1995 and then the same position in 2015 20 years later!

I have met some amazing customers over the years, some of which are still regulars and we sit down with a cup of tea and have a catch up. The same goes with the people who I have worked with past and present, every single one of them amazing and every one of them will always be known as Team Hopper.

Speaking of which, last night the whole of the present Team Hopper got together for a meal and a comedy night at Blackfriars to celebrate my 20 years. What I wasn't expecting was halfway through the night I was totally shocked to receive a BALL watch presentation gift! Wow! Amazing, Thank you so much to Gerry, Tim, James and the rest of the Hopper family for believing in me and being there from the very start.

Matthew (Part of Team Hopper)

Team Hopper last night and my shock surprise this BALL watch!

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