Let's take another trip down Memory Lane....

It's Boston May Fair time again so we thought we would share this rather appropriate picture. Taken early 1940's it shows our shop in the background on the left. You can just make out the '9' from '49' Market Place on the building. You can also see Harlow's the butchers and Lloyds bank on the right with 'The Stump' right in the distance.
A huge crowd surrounds 'Ling's High Flier' swing boats which was always situated at the front of the shop during May Fair. The boats have been named 'Monty' and 'Winnie' in honour of Field Marshal Montgomery and Sir Winston Churchill. A sign to the left of the picture shows the price was 6d a go. Slightly less than the prices today!

You can just make out the '9' from 49 Market Place during the 1940's before it was Hoppers!
Keep an eye out for more Memory Lane!